Libore, muzes nejake podrobnosti ? Na todle sem se ptal pred nedavnem. Nejak se mi nechce kupovat Kenwooda jenom proto, aby mi slapal Geosat.
Libore, muzes nejake podrobnosti ? Na todle sem se ptal pred nedavnem. Nejak se mi nechce kupovat Kenwooda jenom proto, aby mi slapal Geosat.
Ja bohuzel vic nevim, jen jsem pri procitani narazil na nejaky prispevek, kde to nekdo zminil, take se nerozepisoval.
Also tiny trac 4 with the right firmware processs kenwood sentence now
The OT2m from Argent Data Systems has been pumping out Kenwood
sentences for many months now as well, so it will plot APRS icons on
the G5.
Stav podminek sireni z APRS site. Doufam, ze to tu uz nebylo.
Dalsi zmeny na
Thu Oct 8 08:16:43 EEST 2009
- CSRF protection in forms
- show the latest status message in the info balloon of the current
position of the station (purple colour) - comment is now shown in
Nyni se zobrazuje i status text stanice v ruzove barve a text majaku je vybarven zelene.